Actress, Anshu’s performances in films like Manmadhudu, Raghavendra, and Jai left fans awed and wanting more. However, after a brief stint in the South film industry between 2002 and 2004, she left fans heartbroken by stepping away from the limelight. Now, after over two decades, Anshu is gearing up to make her comeback with Trinadha Rao Nakkina’s film, Mazaka. The teaser launch event in Hyderabad should have been an exciting time for Anshu’s fans, but it turned unpleasant due to Trinadha Rao’s sexist remarks about the actress. Now, Anshu has come forward to support the director amid the slew of online hate.
Anshu calls Trinadha Rao Nakkina the ‘loveliest man on the planet’ and defends him against criticism
The teaser launch event for Mazaka, which marks Anshu’s comeback to the film industry after over 20 years, was overshadowed by director, Trinadha Rao Nakkina’s distasteful comments about the actress. His remarks rubbed many the wrong way, with several netizens taking to social media platforms to express the same. Now, Anshu has stepped forward in defence of the director with a video addressing the controversy.