Ranbir Kapoor is the doting son of late actor, Rishi Kapoor and his wife, Neetu Kapoor. While Ranbir and his mom, Neetu had a friendly bond, there was a sense of respect in him for his daddy. Thus, even after Rishi’s demise in 2020 at the age of 67 after a long battle with cancer, Ranbir kept dedicating his work in the film industry to his daddy. He always wanted to make his Rishi proud. However, just like every India kid, Ranbir also got some thrashing from his parents during his childhood. Now, he revealed such incidents in a recent candid chat.
Ranbir Kapoor talks about the one time when he got a thrashing from his dad, Rishi Kapoor
During his appearance alongside Neetu Kapoor and Ridhima Kapoor at The Great Indian Kapil Show, Ranbir Kapoor walked on memory lane and revealed unknown anecdotes from his childhood. He revealed the only time his late father, Rishi Kapoor hit him. Recalling the incident, Ranbir mentioned that his father was extremely religious. Thus, when once he was entering the RK studios during the Diwali puja, he had gone inside with his shoes on. Soon, he got a thrashing from his daddy. Further, explaining how his father used to scream at only those whom he loved, Ranbir explained:
“Mujhe ek hi baar bohot zor ki pari thi! Diwali puja at RK Studios. Papa bohot religious the. I think I was eight or nine years old. Toh main chappal pehenke andar chala gaya tha mandir mein. Toh mujhe dapli pari thi!”