Yes Madam is a popular salon and technology company that appeared on India’s first business reality show, Shark Tank India’s third season. The company impressed the sharks and received a funding of Rs. 1.5 crore from Vineeta Singh, Aman Gupta, Peyush Bansal, and Ritesh Agarwal. Yes Madam’s successful pitch in Shark Tank India raised them to fame; as of now, they have 114K followers on Instagram.
Shark Tank India fame, Yes Madam receives backlash on the internet for allegedly firing over 100 employees
Not only this, popular Bollywood actress, Shraddha Kapoor and her father, Shakti Kapoor are also featured in one of their ads, which speaks volumes about its stature in the beauty and wellness sector. The brand is also collaborating with a series of renowned social media influencers to grow more with the passing of each day.